

Page history last edited by sgrimes@... 13 years, 6 months ago





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Teaching Thoughtful Learners 

Welcome to the Teaching Thoughtful Learners wiki.  Please create pages, share ideas, invite other students and staff to use the wiki, and enjoy these resources.   We are looking forward to seeing you collaborate and build a website to make your thinking visible. You may also want to visit the Library Lessons Groupsite to view lesson plans and access resources.


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Comments (7)

Jean Wilson said

at 9:35 pm on Sep 14, 2008

Dear Sharon,
Thank you for establishing this site. It will be an excellent forum for all of us to discuss comprehension strategies.
Jean Wilson

Della Curtis said

at 9:46 am on Sep 19, 2008

Sharon . . Thank you for organizing this exceptional resource for teacher, student, and family use. It is an excellent venue for students to practice and apply 21st century skills (collaboration, communication, writing, critical thinking, and much more!) This is so exciting!

Donna Anderson said

at 10:27 pm on Oct 14, 2008

This is a great resource. Thank you.

cmcswain said

at 8:55 am on Sep 17, 2011

Students learn how to think through processes through modeling. Scaffolding is important to help students acquire the strategies they need for comprehension, and to practice those strategies. The gradual release allows students to become independent learners.

lfletcher@... said

at 11:02 am on Nov 3, 2011

It's nice to know that the library curriculum is already aligned with Common Core. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make sure that was in place.

Rebekah Kaufman said

at 11:06 am on Nov 3, 2011

Great to hear all of the good news, can't wait to try out Jing. I am concerned about the passwords on our library thin client machines. It will take too long for each child to log in and out as they search for books during book selection. They are the only student machines that I have in the library. Help!

Georgette Ortiz said

at 4:05 pm on Feb 22, 2012

Does anyone know how Sharon is doing?

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